Send the order

You can receive the price list by sending us the dimensions and description of products you are interested in to e-mail: or fax: +371 63661406 of Ventex & Ko company.


The estimated costs of production and provisional additional cost assessments will be sent to your e-mail address, fax or communicated via the phone, the number of which you would provide.


For submitting any questions or suggestions, please, fill the form below.


Client data:


Name *:
Surname *:
  - Important !!! All your personal information is confidential and wont be made public
  Your Email wont be used for any promotional material etc.
Address *:
  - Example: Riga, Kalnciema 200-10
Phone *:
Email *:
  - Example:
Notes : 
- Your questions, wishes and offers.
 © Ventex & Ko, SIA email: